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Information of Interest

The Corporate Executive Board performed a key study in 2001 entitled "Strategies to Improve Customer Retention for Subscription-Based Service Providers".

Their key findings were

  • Customize customer relationships
  • Analyze customer churn & project to current customer base to identify "high risk" customers
  • Segment the customer base to develop focused retention strategies

The report can be downloaded by clicking here

Software Development Magazine recently interviewed Paul Glen, author of "How To Lead Geeks". In that interview, Glen pointed out that motivating and managing software developers is different that for sales and marketing staff -- primarily because developers are motivated by challenging problems and opportunities to learn while being more loyal to their technologies than their companies. Click here to download the interview...
In a recent paper (Direct and Moderated Effects of Customer Satisfaction On Two Dimensions of Loyalty in a Business-to-Business Context), authors Florian von Wagenheim and Tomás Bayón (of the International University in Germany) highlighted both the problems with the current links between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and the potential impact of product-category variables on market segmentation and behavior.

Some of their findings included:

  • Satisfaction drives both active (e.g., referrals) and passive (e.g., not departing) loyalty
  • The higher the switching costs, the lower the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty behaviors
  • The effect of satisfaction is stronger for long-term customers than for "new wins", strengthening the imperative to retain customers

You can get a copy of their paper here


Dr. Milind Lele joins PVCG

Milind Lele has joined us to help expand our focus to include Market Value consulting and Management Education... <more>